I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Israel my first year at Andover, when I was painfully homesick and badly wanted to leave school. My parents told me that unless a professional said I shouldn't be there, I couldn't leave—so naturally I marched over to Graham House and went to see one. Rather than punching my ticket back to Cleveland, Dr. Israel challenged me to embrace the opportunities that Andover had to offer. Speaking with her provided me with much-needed comfort, inspiration, reflection, and encouragement. Were it not for her guidance, I don't know where I would have ended up. Ultimately, Andover was the greatest experience of my life, and Dr. Israel is an enormous reason why.”
In her own words...
My ongoing interests have been helping adolescents better understand human behavior—both their own and others’—in both formal and informal ways through psychology, biology, neuroscience, evolution, and lots of conversation; doing all sorts of community service; and hiking, camping, and adventure around the world, with a special fondness for family trips to the coast of Maine and the red rocks of Utah.

Carol Israel
Some great memories: coteaching The Brain and You with my brilliant and wonderful friend Jerry Hagler; nights with PA students in Lawrence at Project Voice, helping incredibly dedicated immigrant adults committed to learning English; training and mentoring PACE seniors; years of wonderful advisee groups; measuring the long jump at more than 100 PA track meets, watching our incredible student athletes, and working with wonderful faculty colleagues; working with a visionary team to create the Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center; and being blessed to work for almost 30 years as part of the dynamic Graham House trio (with Max Alovisetti and Maggie Jackson)—the best colleagues one could ever hope for.
To the students I have counseled: I feel phenomenally grateful to the hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of students during my 32 years at PA who shared their lives and their stories with me. What a privilege it has been! They have given me as much as I have given to them. They have made this time—and this career of mine—something incredibly special.
We will be moving to Harpswell, Maine, where I intend to keep practicing as a psychologist (but not working full time). I spent a recent sabbatical year in Harpswell to try it out and found a very rewarding combination of activities: volunteer work and community engagement (with the Brunswick Teen Center), taking classes (neuroscience and education courses at Bowdoin College; law and gender classes at MidCoast Senior College, and Jewish education classes through the Jewish Community Center of Portland); exercise classes and swim workouts (at the Bath YMCA); hiking and kayaking with a local outdoor group; and time with new friends and our energetic two dogs.
Thank you for creating such a sanctuary in Graham House—the pillow room, hot cocoa or tea, and a gentle smile when times got tough. Sometimes the peace of the space was enough and sometimes peace came through sharing space. I am proud to be one of the students who you helped through the turbulence of high school, adolescent education, and being away from home.”